Category Archives: Life-giving


Why This?

The family history isn’t agony for me. It’s figuring out what the hell happened to all those people. It’s about my aunts and uncles, cousins, nephews and nieces, people I know well and mostly love. I already know they’re suffering. The question is “Why?”

Those of us who were hurt were shuttled off to the side by the rest of the family. They shook their heads over us, saying, “Well you know, she/he has some problems.” And that’s all they do, so it keeps happening, generation after generation. We got hurt, and we got blamed. My cousin Pat was a good guy who didn’t deserve the beatings his father gave him, the shame and humiliation my uncle dished out. My niece Cody deserves a better life than what she’s left with by an abusive father and grandfather and she deserves more now than shoulder shrugs about how she is doing. My aunt Nancy should have been happy, rather than 4 marriages.

So it isn’t agony for me, but I do feel very angry about how they’ve been dumped by the family, rather than supported and loved. When the going got tough, they ran. I guess what I’m doing is documenting that the we who were hurt are the good guys. The perpetrators are the really bad guys. The ones who abandoned the wounded, they aren’t much better.


FIVE GENERATIONS OF PAIN, Generations One and Two


Maternal Side:

Great Grampa Bishop
He was probably born shortly after the Civil War ended. He refused to allow my Gramma to attend high school in 1913 (?) Iowa. She moved to town to stay with a relative, work a job, and go to high school anyway. She was a beer smart, ambitious and tough young woman who refused to be denied. Apparently losing the approval of her father was very difficult, so Gramma saved money from her job. She paid for all her personal needs, food and something for her relative. In addition to all that, she put together enough money to buy her father a Model T car. It was very likely a bid to win back his love and show that there was value in a young woman going to school at the dawn of 20th century. He took the car – but not her. It must have been crushing. Gramma married an abusive man.


Maternal Side:
Grampa Wade
He used an ultimatum to get Gramma to marry him. He was superstitious and would not marry in 1920. He told Gramma it was bad luck to marry in a leap year. She either had to marry him in 1919 or it probably wouldn’t happen.
It turned out that marrying him any time was bad luck. Grampa was violent. He beat livestock and he beat his son. They had 3 children -1- Rita, 2-mom, 3- Wes. He may have beat Gramma and the daughters, I don’t know. It’s very likely he was emotionally abusive simply through the fear of his violent outbursts, if nothing else. He died of complications related to being gassed and wounded in World War I.

Paternal Side:
Grampa H
He was very violent physically and verbally. He had 4 children -1- dad, 2- Betty, 3- Larry, 4- Nancy. Grampa physically beat Larry and probably dad, but boy as much as Larry. Dad tried to be the good kid. He also beat livestock. I don’t know how grampa treated his daughters, but like my other grampa, his violence would have been very frightening. Grampa often berated and belittled his sons. His wife died of cancer in 1960 when I was 7. I barely remember her. I was 5 at the time. Her youngest was 17. Mom often said that if Gramma had lived things would have been better because she was a moderating force on grampa. I wonder about that because grampa was treating his sons very badly when she was alive. That may have been wishful thinking on her part. He died in 1984 at 80 years old of emphysema.


Maternal Side:

I don’t know if Rita’s husband was abusive. I know both their daughters married abusive men. Rita was not healthy due to a childhood fever. She seemed to feel a rivalry with mom and at least some of it played out through her daughters and she let mom know about it. The girls usually had something special to do at family gatherings, such as sing a song, recite a poem, etc. I don’t remember doing anything like that. I do remember their pretty matching dresses. Died of cancer in 2016.

Mom spanked rarely, but was very impatient, struggled with depression, eating and anger. Mom had a very shoot fuse and sharp tongue. She was dad’s guardian and taught that our focus was taking care of “poor dad.” We were to do whatever we could to ease his burden and the worst thing we could ever do was disappoint him. The biggest taboo was his cars. We should never, never hurt any vehicle, cars and pickups especially. She died of cancer in 2010.

Wes had a great deal of anger that frightened me. I never saw him express it, but it seethed just below the surface, even as he was smiling and friendly. Even when he was a little boy when Gramma took him to town to shop, she had to put him on a leash so he wouldn’t run away. He had 4 children with his first wife, 3 girls and a boy. Wes exhibited the same violent behavior as his father, beating livestock and children. He married 4 times, divorced 3. He was not faithful to his first wife and they divorced after 20+/- years. He quickly married and divorced 2 different women. He married Connie, who appeared to be an alcoholic, about 1985. She died early in the 21st century and he has not married again. Wes beat the hell out of cars. He could destroy them quickly by driving them so abusively. He destroyed mechanical parts and interior and exterior parts.
Paternal Side
He struggled with depression, drinking, eating, and child abuse. Dad had minimal self-esteem. He continued to work as a farmer with his father until he was about 40 years old. All that time Grampa continued his verbal cruelty. Dad did not strike his children as a method of discipline but he did beat livestock. He use his emotional struggles to be very manipulative of those around him. He was extremely needy and very passive. He died of cancer at age 70 in 1999.

She seemed to have a good marriage, bearing 5 children with one or two miscarriages. There were 5 boys and one girl. The girl has had ongoing struggles, the nature of which I’m unsure. Betty died of cancer at around 70 years of age.

His life was a struggle from beginning to end. He became an alcoholic, overeater, and unfaithful husband plus a poor parent. He married 3 times and had 6 children with his first wife, 4 boys and 2 girls. When they divorced he deliberately took a low paying job to reduce the amount of child support he paid. Of course his children knew that. Larry was nice and he was fun as an uncle, but terrible at relationships. He took out his anger on cars. To my knowledge he blew up the engines on 6 cars. He drove the hell out of them. Larry married and divorces before he married for the 3rd and last time, to Jan. He died in his mid 60s if a variety of health causes.

She was significantly younger than her siblings, 12 years younger than Larry. The first 3 were only 5 years apart. Nancy married 4 times, divorced 3. She had 2 daughters with her 1st husband. She was not married long to her 2nd husband. Husband #3 was also husband #4, with a divorce between marriages. He was 15-20 years older and domineering. Nancy has been his widow since mid 1990s. Nancy has always be needy and insecure, wanton someone to take care of her. She didn’t seem to have any substance abuse problems, just emotional.


This is my generation and it is more difficult because there are people I’ve known since they were children. I’ll begin with the children of the oldest of my aunts and uncles, Rita, mom’s sister.

Rita and Ray, 2 daughters


She was always very pretty and very much in her little sister’s shadow. Bev had a very high IQ and Rita liked to point that out frequently, including in the presence of her daughters. Rita was telling us that Bev would go to college at Simpson University, a very highly regarded private liberal arts school in a Des Moines suburb. (They lived in Des Moines.) I asked her about Donna, whom I always liked better. With a dismissive wave of her hand, Rita said, “Oh, she can go to a state school.” That had to hurt.

Donna lacked self-esteem, for clear reasons. I was told that she was picked on by black children on the school bus because she had long, blonde hair. That sounds a little fishy to me, but that’s all I have to go on about that. Donna attended public high school and I believe Bev did too, but she went to special classes for advanced students.

I don’t think Donna went to college, or maybe for a year, but she did not graduate. A man named Bob proposed to her and gave her an ultimatum, “Marry me now or marry me never.” Donna chose now and regretted it for the rest of her life. Bob was very abusive, at least emotionally. Donna had 3 children with him- Tammy, Michelle and Jim. Donna chose to stay married to him until Jim reached 18 as a way of protecting Jim. I don’t know just what Bob did regarding the children, but apparently it wasn’t good.

Donna never remarried. It seems like she dedicated herself to her children and to her mother, to whom she was always available. The joy that she’d once had was gone from her life, except occasional glimmers.


She was 2 years younger than Donna, and the unquestioned star of the entire family. From what Rita said in the process of bragging about her, Bev was actually an arrogant brat in school and she wasn’t a lot better at home. Rita wouldn’t let her be alone in her room with her boyfriend, Danny, and Bev did not care to be told what to do. She sat on Danny’s lap in the living room with everyone around and made out constantly. It was a power struggle between mother and daughter and neither gave in. Bev did get her undergraduate degree and might have graduated summa. I’m not sure.

Bev was also very pretty and popular in school. She married Danny in a very fancy, very expensive wedding. That was in the 1970s when big, expensive weddings were rare. Sometime after that Bev was raped by a stranger who was never caught and prosecuted. I don’t know much more than that about that crime. After a few years of marriage the secret began to come out that Danny was abusive. The final straw was a motorcycle ride in which he said he wanted to have a wreck and kill them both. She divorced him and her behavior changed a great deal.

I think she had no skills for dealing with adversity. She became cold and hard. She even looked different, very plastic. After several years she married an M.D. named Benny and it was pretty well known that what she found attractive about him was his money. That marriage has endured and she had a daughter, Amanda, when she was about 40. Benny has proven to be a decent man and does not challenge Bev for the limelight of the family. To the best of my knowledge, daughter Amanda is doing well and Bev and Benny have learned to care for each other.

Mom and dad, 4 daughters, 2 sons

Kay is the oldest, born in 1950. She seemed to struggle from the day she was born. Her vision was compromised by astigmatism and she had what was known as a “lazy eye.” Her eyes did not track together quite right and that has been a life long problem. I believe Kay is on the autism spectrum too. That would explain her social and physical awkwardness, inappropriate voice modulation and difficulty with relationships.

Kay was molested by dad, though I don’t know the duration or frequency. It always seemed to me that mom and dad didn’t seem to like her much. Early in the marriage mom was unfaithful and I’ve always wondered if dad doubts his parentage. Somehow Kay seemed to bear the brunt of something. Kay wasn’t good at protecting herself emotionally or socially. She was very easily hurt, wearing her emotions on her sleeve. She desperately wanted to be popular and was quite obvious about it. She tried to find a way to fit into the family, but it never seemed to happen. Jim was the oldest boy, I was athletic as was Terry. We were all hard workers, except Kay. She was none of those things.

Throughout grade school Kay was teased for being overweight. In high school she got very good grades and participated in activities like Chorus, Drama, Debate and Declamation. A classmate named Nikki befriended Kay. Nikki was pretty, popular and very kind. Kay was so surprised that Nikki was her friend. I recall her saying, “I can’t believe someone like Nikki would be my friend!”

Kay was also desperate for a boyfriend, but did not succeed. She was very careful about her appearance, spending a lot of time on hair, make up, clothing, etc. It seems that in her senior year she gave up trying to do the right thing. She bleached her medium brown hair platinum blonde. (That was big in the 1960s.) Her makeup got heavier and she began hanging out with a gaggle of younger boys, sophomores I think. Kay began regularly sporting big, ugly hickeys on her neck. In our town, that was a sign of a trashy girl. She defied every parental rule they made about curfew, places she could go and so forth. Mom and dad didn’t support her extra curricular activities so she began staying in town so she could go to rehearsals.

In the 1960s in our hometown of 2,000 no one locked their cars. In fact, we left keys in the ignition and one in the trunk. Everyone did. I was a freshman and Jim was a junior and we drove into town to school together. Usually after school there were a few errands to run before we got home so we parked the car on the street and went into the stores. When we came out the car was gone because Kay had taken it to go joy riding with her boyfriends. She let them drive the car. (Remember that it was a great sin to damage dad’s cars.) Jim learned to take the keys out of the car. Kay tried to use some excuse to get me into town with the car so she could have it.

One winter Saturday mom allowed me to bring the car in. I picked up Kay up, she  drove the car to pick up her boyfriends and let them drive. I sat in the back. They drove out of town into a hayfield with a light coating of snow that made it slippery. They were laughing. I was worried. Kay sat in the middle of the front, getting attention from boys on both sides The boy driving spun the car around till suddenly it began spouting steam. They stopped doing that and drove back to town. Soon they were all gone and I was driving home. (It turned out that a radiator hose had come lose. No damage and the cold weather kept the car from overheating.)

In February or March of her senior year, 1967, while Kay was at her place in town, she cut her wrists. She told the medical people and the sheriff that she wanted to go to the state mental hospital. Since she was 18, that’s what happened. When the family was informed, it was very difficult. In the 60s, “asylums” were a strange and remote thing that was the subject of scary movies. Kay was there for two months I think. She met Erv there. That was the second biggest detriment of her life. An abusive father was first.

Erv has a low IQ, maybe 75? He’s also an alcoholic, son of a very abusive father, has a lot of anger and is a resentlful asshole. I detest him because he was very, very bad for Kay. After graduating high school, moving out and working at job, Kay became pregnant in 1969, by Erv. They married and Kay bore Bobby in 1969. Erv is verbally abusive, berating Kay and blaming her for everything that is not right with his life. He is hugely resentful and feels that his life should magically be better. He’s terrible at managing money, spending it carelessly and chiefly on himself.

Kay’s already low self-esteem mostly vanished with Erv. Her weight went up and down extensively, mostly up. She attended psychotherapy off and on, switching therapists randomly. She went to Al-Anon meetings, took college and vocational school classes, held jobs and did other things without a real goal in mind. Kay’s mental struggles continued. She made at least two more attempts on her life, one with meds. She doctor shopped and had a large array of prescription meds to make her feel better, counter side effects, etc.

Kay is 66 years old as of this writing and I haven’t spoken to her since 2011. I am told by other relatives who do speak with her regularly, that she often does not track well with reality and is usually confused, sometimes makes statements and accusations that have no basis in reality. She has alienated many relatives, but regularly calls brother Jim and cousin Gary. Jim had to tell her that if she called only to make unkind and untrue complaints about relatives, she should stop calling. Jim has to remind her sometimes that she needs to change the subject, but he says that she does fairly well.

Kay did her best to parent Bobby, but it often appeared that she looked at him as a servant to run and fetch for her. She sat in her chair, saying, “Bobby, get that for me. . . Bobby, do this for me.” Erv was physically and verbally abusive to Bobby, but Kay was unable to defend him. She couldn’t even defend herself.

Jim, born in 1951, was the Number One Son, and clearly mom and dad’s favorite throughout their lifetimes. He had a mean streak that lasted until he became a father in 1991. He was driven throughout his lifetime too, and money was his focus and organizing theme. He was willing to work for it and he did, every moment he could. What anyone else wanted took a back seat to Jim’s work and accumulation of money. He worked for neighboring farmers. Jim was arrogant, cruel to Kay, and quick to home in on and exploit vulnerabilities. He has a loud voice and used it to belittle and domineer. Us siblings didn’t really like him. He was also very vain about his appearance, especially hair and clothing. He’s worn a mustache ever since he could grown one.

When I began college in 1971 Jim was single and finishing technical school for aircraft mechanics. He immediately began asking me to set him up on dates. He was girl hungry, but had no intention of “getting serious.” He just wanted sex. I once set him up with Cheryl. They married about 1978.

Jim was a lousy husband, though a good provider because his love of money had not changed. He was a serial philanderer, and had children with 2 other women, one of whom was his little sister’s sister in law. After the birth of Trevor, his and Cheryl’s only child, he became a decent person. Fatherhood made him humble, something I never expected from him. I like him now, and so do the other sibs. He’s become kind and thoughtful. It’s a shocking, but oh so welcome, turn around.

In addition, Jim has “gotten religion.” He and Cheryl are quite active in their church and have gone on mission trips, including one to the Czech Republic. With both parents deceased, he’s become the family leader.

Deb. I’m next in line, born 1953. Kay, Jim and I were born 3 years and 3 months apart. I always had a weight problem too. Dad began molesting me when I was very small. I was a good enough student getting Bs and Cs, occasional As. I couldn’t get math, but I enjoyed any kind of drawing and reading. Most of all, I was very good at sports from the beginning. I loved playing anything and was usually the first girl picked, even picked before all the boys. Recess was the highlight of my day because I got to play stuff. (I still love playing stuff.)

I feel like I’ve been angry all my life. I remember it being about how limits were imposed on me that boys didn’t have. It was just that there were no sports for girls, but that they were there for boys and I couldn’t play. Girls were not allowed to play boys sports then. It wasn’t even considered.

I got to play softball in the summer on an organized team against other organized teams beginning when I was 12. Mom was good at getting me to games because she understood how much I loved it. Also I was the best on every team I played on. When I was an 8th grader Mr. Brown, a teacher, put together a basketball team and we got to play 5 games against other schools. It was a thrill, even though mom had to adjust my uniform because it wasn’t big enough. That was just another instance of me being ashamed of my weight. In my junior and senior years, 1970-71, my high school started a girls’ track team. I was a thrower and good at it. I wanted to be a runner because fat girls were throwers, but I wasn’t good enough to be a runner.

I began college in 1971 and I went crazy at first. Dad’s abuse had been ongoing all this time and college was freedom from him. I drank A Lot. A Lot. I ate A Lot. I did some drugs, especially weed and speed. All that led me to requiring 5 years to get a B.S. in Education so I could be a teacher and coach.

The best thing was the last two years. It was heaven because I was always playing sports, 7 days per week. I had come to know the other jocks, as we were called then. I played on the basketball, field hockey, tennis. softball and volleyball teams. The only one I didn’t start on was volleyball.

Years passed. I taught school and struggled with anger, grief, lack of self-esteem, etc. I moved on to AMCD Jobs. (Any Moron Can Do.) I lost all control of my eating disorder, going over 300 pounds. Shame was huge. Weight went up and down. I moved to the Black Hills in 1987 and lived with mom and dad. I did more AMCD jobs. In 1988 I began a job with a residence for troubled adolescents. That’s when I learned that what had happened to me was wrong, a crime, and not my fault. I began psychotherapy in 1998. On the first meeting with her, Linda, my therapist, told me that if I continued with the process, I would feel as if the world fell on me. She was right.

In 1990 I told my sibs that dad had been molesting me. The shit hit the fan, the family fractured, Terry and Tammy said they wanted nothing to do with me, and I stopped having contact with them after Jill’s wedding in 1991.

I have PTSD, DID, ED and Depression. I went to a treatment facility in 2006 for my eating, had bariatric surgery in 2009, and maintain a steady weight. I struggle most with anxiety and depression. I have remained single all my life, lived along for the past 30 years, more or less, and have huge trouble trusting anyone.

Terry was born in 1958. He seemed to do well in school and life, though he married a very high maintenance woman. Terry was always calm, easy-going and didn’t raise his voice. He became the father of 2 children and his daughter became an extraordinarily beautiful dancer. I mean beautiful! Terry didn’t talk about things that often needed talking about. When I told my sibs about dad, Terry called me and said that the only reason he was speaking to me was because Jill had asked him too. That was so painful to hear.

Tammy was born in 1962 and pregnant in 1978. She was doing well in school and life until dad began molesting her when she was 12. Everything rapidly went to hell following that. Tammy quit sports, her grades went down, she starting hanging out with classmates in trouble, ignoring her curfew, and worst of all, damaging family cars. She was drinking, smoking weed, being promiscuous and possibly cutting and doing other drugs.

I think she looked at her pregnancy, at least in part, as an opportunity to escape dad. They let her marry the boy, named Jim, and start a home. Tammy’s first born was Cody, a cute little girl. Tammy was a good mother, even though they lived in a home paid for by Jim’s mother. The mother had serious mental health issues and was mean and dominating. She had been victimized cruelly by Jim’s dad, who was now so weak with emphysema  that he was not a threat. It was a very difficult situation. When Cody was a year old they moved to Denver, where Jim had a sister and our brother Jim lived. Jessie was born there, 2 years after Cody. In another year they moved to Spearfish, SD, and opened a motorcycle mechanic shop, Jim’s passion.

Mom and dad moved to Spearfish soon after and dad babysat the two little girls. I’ll write about that in the next generation.

Jim was not emotionally equipped to be a good father/husband and Tammy was not a faithful wife. They divorced and Tammy remarried shortly thereafter. The new spouse was 20+/- years older than Tammy. The marriage was very brief, followed by a divorce.

Tammy was very good at any job she took, rising toward the top quickly and receiving lots of praise from supervisors. When her success mounted she left that job and took another. It looked like she couldn’t cope with success.

Eventually Tammy learned to accept herself, success and met a man named Mike. They are married and seem contented with each other, a good match. Perhaps Tammy is happy now.

Jill is the baby, born in 1968. I was 15 when she was born and I was around a lot as she was growing up. I tried to protect her from dad, taking her with me to many places, especially summer softball games and weekend tournaments. Dad was still molesting me and then Tammy until she left. I think I was successful in that I believe Jill was not molested. Her life shows none of the signs of trauma. She’s generally done well, earning a bachelors degree in marketing, marrying a man she met in college. They were unable to have children and so adopted a boy. Then Jill became pregnant and they had a boy.

Because I spent so much time with her, Jill and I were especially close. When I disclosed about dad, she let me know through Terry that she didn’t want me to try to contact her. That was the last time we talked until mom’s death in 2010. She’s probably the most painful individual loss for me.

Betty, dad’s sister. 1 girl, 4 boys

Gary, Steve, Marty, Richie– the boys, all seemed to do well in the course of their lives. They’re very kind and friendly men.

Sharon is the one daughter, second child born. She was very popular in high school, pretty, vivacious and energetic. Inexplicably to most of us, she went full on hippie near the end of her senior year of high school, 1969. She began dating a boy not well regarded and surprised us all by agreeing to marry him. It was a hippie wedding. Sharon was barefoot in a simple white dress, more like a sack cinched at the waist with a rope.

Sharon’s marriage didn’t last long. She moved to Philadelphia for art school and eventually to Boulder, CO, and became a serious artist, self-supporting. In the years she was in Philly and in stops between there and Boulder, I heard rumors that Sharon was involved in drug dealing or with important drug dealers. I don’t know if any of it was true.

Sharon was an excellent print maker. In the late 1990s she was the featured artist at the Uptown Art Fair. The Great Recession hit her hard, along with the entire art community. She lives in Colorado Springs and continues with her art, but also has a job to pay the bills the art doesn’t cover.

Sharon had periods of estrangement, or near estrangement from her family. She is still on the periphery. I wonder what happened to her in 1969 that caused such a change in her behavior and attitude? Did she develop a mental illness? Did something traumatic happen to her? I’ve also wondered if she is a lesbian. I never heard anything about her having a relationship with a man after her brief marriage.

Larry, dad’s brother. 4 boys, 2 girls.

Danny was the first, born in 1952. He and my brother Jim were very close friends, Danny seeming to idolize Jim, who was taller, dominating and brash. Danny was a nice kid, funny and so eager to please, but always struggling. Danny moved to Denver to work with and for Jim at his business. Jim was a working fool, Danny was not. Although Danny regularly tried Jim’s patience, Jim was possibly one of the best things to happen to Dan.

Dan married and had 2 or 3 children, but couldn’t keep his demons away. He became an alcoholic like his father and disappeared for many years. I think his siblings know where he is, but I’m not sure.

I think Dana was born in 1954. He was more serious than Dan and more successful at life initially. He married, worked hard and supported his wife as she completed her degree in pharmacy. I was teaching school near their home and visited a few times, often sharing bong hits with them. I don’t know what happened, but they divorced and I don’t know where Dana is now, perhaps the southeast US?

Dillon was born in 1958 and he and my brother Terry have been best pals throughout their lifetimes. Dillon became close to my entire family, almost like one of the family. It’s such a juxtaposition: While dad was so damaging to his daughters, except Jill, he and mom meant everything to Dillon. Dillon’s home life was so unhealthy, the stability in his uncle’s home was tremendously beneficial to him and his life has worked out the best of all his siblings. He married, fathered 3 children whom he still has contact with, and has been a good father and person.

Dawn and Denise, the two daughters, were born in the early 1960s. I didn’t know them well, but I do know that they have disappeared.

Dennis was the last child, born in the mid 1960s. His whereabouts are unknown. I believe he is gay, but I’m not sure.

Wes, mom’s brother. 3 girls and one boy.

Wanda was first, born in the mid 1960s. She seemed to do all right as a child, though always struggling with too much weight. She married and moved to Iowa in the same town her father had moved to after divorce number 3. I visited there in the mid 1990s. At that time Wanda’s weight had spiked and she was very unhappy with her marriage. I don’t know where she is now.

Jonna was just a couple years younger than Wanda. She seemed to be a happy kid, a tomboyish and playful. She also moved to Iowa and married a Mexican immigrant. I stayed with her when I was there in the 90s. Jonna had divorced her husband though she’d borne 3 daughters. He had expected to rule the home in the way of the macho male Mexican culture. Jonna would not have that, and she felt that perhaps he had not really loved her, but wanted the marriage to benefit his immigration status. Her daughters were delightful little girls.

Jonna was living with a man who seemed nice enough and she was satisfied with her life at the time. She is the one who told me about her father’s violence, beating her and her brother bloody. Jonna now lives in Missouri near her father who’s ailing from several health conditions. He’s in his 80s.

Pat is the lone son, born shortly after Jonna. He was close to Jonna and an excellent student, loving drama especially. He married, but divorced with no children. Looking back on it now, it’s so apparent he was gay. When Pat came out he had to go away because I sure his dad was enraged by that. Sometimes Jonna knew where he was, other times not. He was in the Southwest for a time, but the last Jonna knew Pat was in the San Francisco area. She believes he died in the AIDS crisis. He was so talented, it’s a heart-breaking story and a great loss for all us.

Karla is the youngest. I don’t know much about her. I believe she married and had a family, but that’s the extent of my information.

Nancy is the baby of dad’s siblings. 2 daughters.

Joanie is the eldest, born about 1965. I didn’t know her well, didn’t have much to do with her. She lives in St. Michael, MN, has two children, I think, still married to her only husband, and seems to have a good life. Her little sister thinks Joanie’s husband is lazy, but that’s all I know.

Lana is no more than 2 years younger. Lana has never married and seems to have some anger issues. She has a tight groups of friends, has done quite a bit of traveling with them, and seems to be financially secure.

2016 Democratic National Convention

I’m enthralled, thrilled with how women are being featured, even lauded at the DNC. I have a deep and profound sense of satisfaction seeing them – the Democratic women in the House, and today in the Senate. Dolores Huerta, co-founder of the United Farmworkers with Ché Guervera, reminds me of the wise and courageous old Lakota Grandmothers. Amy Klobuchar exulting in the traffic jam in the women Senators bathroom. Barbara Mikaulski of Maryland, senior of the group, 4 feet, 11 inches of the toughest of the tough.

63 years I’ve waited to see this. A 102 year old woman cast a state’s votes for Hillary in the states roll call. One hundred two. That’s such a long wait. I wish Gramma could see this. She’d be so proud.

I am. I’m almost wordlessly grateful to the foremothers I’ve seen there, the ones that forged ahead in other areas, the ones who’ve died. It’s been such a long road. So many women suffered pain, humiliation, shame, sexual and physical assaults, medical malpractice (40th birthday hysterectomy, menopause hysteria), domination, denigration.

Now here we are. In just a few hours the Democrats will make Hillary Clinton their candidate for President of the United States of America. I’ll be crying with gratitude and joy.

GO HILLARY!!!!!!!!!!!! 😂😆😍🤗😢👍👏👐💖💥🎶🌻🍸🏛🌅🌞🏁✔😃😄😁

After Orlando, Thoughts

I’ve heard some wonderful support last night and today and I feel better. I’ve had a big knot of something in my stomach since then. I’ve cried, sobbed, teared up, more times than I can count last night and today.

The Tony Awards was a very good thing. The support and love for us LBTG folks permeated every nanosecond of the show. James Corden, the host, began by telling us that we had the support of everyone there. I sobbed hard. God, I needed that.

Today Hillary Clinton sent a tweet saying that she, and millions of others, have our backs. I teared up, swallowed hard (I was in a public place), and felt the security of hearing, “We have your backs.” Yes.

My best friend sent an email saying she was worried about me and urging me to be careful. I needed that too, and teared up again.

The fact is, the Cold Hard Fact is, the fucking haters are a small minority. Millions do love Have Our Backs. Millions!


Greta Garbo

She was my 4th dwarf hamster. They’re delightful little rodents, but their lives are too short, three years max. None of mine lived that long. Greta died sometime last night. She’d been deteriorating for 2-3 weeks.

The dying really sucks. I’m sick of it. I’m sick of watching each of them go downhill. I’m sick of trying to decide if it’s time to euthanize or wait. Gina Lollabridgida died of blood loss. She got a little scratch that just wouldn’t stop bleeding, though it only seeped. A tiny creature that probably only has 3 tablespoons of blood can’t afford any loss.

Anyway, I’m feeling sad and sobbed about her death this morning. After the tears I got dressed and left the house. I thought it would be best to be around people. I took the newspaper to read, drank tea, and noticed the families, children and interesting people. I’d made a good decision.

I had dismantled Greta’s cage and tubes, but I didn’t have the energy – or heart – to clean it all up and store it before I went out. When I returned home I still didn’t feel up to taking care of the hamster things so I just stowed it all away. I think there will come a time, likely after I move, that I’ll want another hamster. Then I’ll be eager to prepare by doing the cleaning and other prepreparations.

Today is a sad day. I’m reminded of Fuzzy, my very sweet and wonderful cat who died 2 years ago at 17 years old. I miss her and today I miss Hammy, Gina Lollabridgida, VeraWang and now Greta Garbo too. My life has been full of enormous, heart-rending losses. Sigh. I’ll be okay – soon.

In the meantime, thanks for everything Greta.


Okay, something is pressuring me. A feeling, emotion, sense. I’m feeling antsy, unsettled, uneasy, uncomfortable. I don’t like anything and I don’t know what to do with myself. I’d like something magical to happen to relax me, put me at ease, make everything okay, sing pollywally doodle all the day. (That’s an old phrase from my childhood,  maybe a version of pollyanna? I dunno.)

Greta Garbo, my dwarf hamster, is running out of lifespan. She’s 2  1/2 and that’s about it for her. 3 years is a long life, so I know she’s getting long in the tooth. In my experience, hamsters have a 24-28 month prime. Since they live fast, they age and die fast too. She’s gotten more and more hunched in her back and now her fur, normally very soft, silky and smooth, is beginning to get scruffy. It’s not lying flat, but rather getting spiky coarse. This is not good at all.

Hamsters are really fun little critters, easy to care for, cheap, and funny. This dying part sucks. The best thing she can do for me is die when I’m sleeping or out. I know. Totally selfish. Greta is my 4th hamster and I’ve seen each of her predecessors kick the bucket. That’s the worst part. Finding her dead wouldn’t be as hard and it won’t make any difference to her. I’ll take her somewhere out of town and bury her. They give me a lot of fun, so I treat them well and thank them by giving them a respectful end.

Yeah, so maybe I’m feeling sad because Greta is dying. Sigh. Ahhh. Poor Greta, and thanks for the memories. 😯 You were a very good girl. 😟 Bye.

Fucking Food

Okay, so why am I feeling food pressure and/or fucking obsession? I’m waiting for the answer! Any time now.

Stress of course. OF COURSE ASSHOLE!!!!😤 Let me put this as simply as possible: STRESS ABOUT WHAT⁉⁉⁉⁉⁉⁉ God was a fucking dumbfuck.

Who was that boy at Wingspread who would have described this as “Hating the world?” Oh yeah, Donny!

Maybe I should do a Venn diagram of this. (I just learned about this from The Big Bang Theory. Well, I’d heard about it before, but I just looked it up.)




1. Money

2. Time/schedule

3. Clients/work, Mains’l/art classes

4. Art classes, comm ed/private

5. Crowded cupboards and fridge

6. Relationships

7. Moving

8. Health

9. Car

10. Aging

11. Fear of Feelings


I’m beginning at the bottom, #11 – Of course it’s Fear of Feelings dumbfuck! It’s WHAT FUCKING FEELINGS I FEAR❗❗❗❗❗Jesus H. Fucking Christ on a Stick! Could you be any st0000pider?!!

It’s always easier to be angry and scream with rage. Fends off fear, anxiety and all that bullshit.


#1. 💲💵  I’ve got enough to to manage. I’ve got bills covered, food, basic needs, etc. Moving? I’ve got money for the U-Haul and 2 strong people to help. Deposit? I forgot about that. I should be okay because I’ll have the  $595 I’m not spending for rent here. I’ll get the entire $500 deposit back here. Deposit there is one month’s rent and that will be at least $100 less.

I am worried about earning extra money in Northfield. I may not be able to umpire because I’ll be having a variety of body parts repaired. In fact, this summer I may not be earning any extra money. Yeah, I’m concerned about that. I probably won’t be able to go back to the Black Hills after all.


#2. Time/schedule. 🕡 Oh yeah. This always gives me some stress. It’s a little unreasonable. I think I’m getting weird about schedule. If I have anything going on, I get anxious about how soon it will end and will I have plenty of time to do zero, more or less. I have to read the paper, be done by 10:30, get to some place nearby so I have at least 15 minutes to spare so that I’m not late.

Okay, but, when that doesn’t work out, I’ve adjusted well. I’ve been comfortable with taking the paper with me to read later. I am okay with being a little late to pick up a client.

So the first part of #2 is the ideal, so this is not the issue.


#3. Clients/work. Mains’l first. Yeah, that’s stressful. They’re all 3 such liars. That is frustrating and aggravating. Sue’s cancelations and permanent irritability is fucking OLD! I need to tell her I damn well will not walk on fucking egg shells around her. (Oh, this one may be bigger than I thought.) Like dear old dad. I am Fucking Fed Up with Sue!


I feel like Sue andRachel take me for granted, take advantage of me, use me, feel no gratitude for what I do for them. I also dislike the way they abuse and misuse the system created to help them. In many ways they are their own worst enemies. (I’m going to stop getting too much food at Open Door and giving it to them. That’s me misusing a kind service.)


#4. Art classes. I think I covered this in #1. 👆


#5. Crowd cupboards and fridge. They’re not at the moment. It’s stressful when it happens, but it won’t be happening again for 2 weeks.


#6. Relationships. Oh fuck that shit! 😲  Really. What is there to say that I haven’t said, ad nauseum, before?


#7. Moving. Part of this is in #; the money issues. There’s jobs, new neighbors, getting accustomed to Northfield, concerns about fewer options than in the metro, connecting with a variety of new services like auto mechanic, gas station, coffee shop, being stuck with Cub for groceries except when I drive to Aldi in Rosemount. There’s all that shit to get used to.

But remember  . . . . . space, real farms, gravel roads, easily getting outta town. I remember how happy I was one the route back from Northfield.

Oh! I am trying to get back to the farm, feeling safe and carefree? Safe from dad? Loved by my family? Having an anchor, roots?


I remember the great level of anxiety I felt when I realized I had no “home”to go back to, no geographical roots. It was terrible. No place that was mine, no one who knew all my childhood stories, no one to tease me about the time that I . . . . .

On the other hand, there are now people who truly know all about me and still love me. I mean, the dumb my mean streak, irrationality, anger, unfairness, fears, stupid stuff, etc. Oh, and All About dear old dad. They still love me. In fact, they love me for who I am, not the carefully guarded family myths.

That’s a gawd-damn fucking nasty trade off. I want both, but the first part is done and done for and over and done and done with. It ain’t comin’ back baby. God that breaks my heart every fucking time. I just can’t think about it that much. It’s too painful, soul shredding. (Not as shredding as at first.) 😦


#8. Health. Yeah, I have some concerns. Both feet, both hips, right shoulder, right wrist. That’s a lot. It’s not something I look forward to, but I want to focus on the result. I’ll be able to do stuff outside again. I love doing stuff outside.


#9. Car. This probably doesn’t really belong here. It’s going along just fine. In 9 more months it will be paid off. My car insurance will go down with the move.


#10. Aging. In the midst of the crazy excitement of this experience, I have sadness and loss too. I’m thinking about geocaching in the White Gates area of the Black Hills. I clambered over over boulders, crawling in some places, snaking through narrow chutes. In another place climbed a 15 foot cliff to get to the top of Green Mountain.

Maybe I’ll be able to do more of the walking I like after my parts get fixed. It’s not only what I can do, but where. There’s also the gauziness that memories are shielded by as the distance from them grows. Losses pile up as time goes on. In addition to the initial experience, there is a cumulative effect. Sigh.

My aging deserves more time and attention.

R.I.P. Gina Lollabridgida

Gina Lollabridgida, AKA, Bean, was my third dwarf hamster. She died last night from bleeding. I’m not sure what the source of the bleeding was, but those tiny bodies can’t afford to lose much. I cried for her, and for Fuzzy too.

She was the first blondie, with red eyes. At first I thought the red eyes thing was kind of creepy, but I got used to her. In Online Hamsterdom, bloggers and videographers call them “ruby eyes.” Sounds more benign I guess.

Bean had lots of attitude. She didn’t give up biting entirely until about three months in. Rotten little varmint! While she did finally let my fingers heal, she never lost her feistiness. Bean was a fierce defender of her turf. While in the early days, she met any of my incursions with a rush and a nip of her sharp little, ever growing incisors, eventually she stopped biting. Instead her rush was followed by quickly setting her teeth on my finger tip, then instantly releasing her grip. As time went on she modified her ferocity only in degree. She still rushed out to attack the offending digit, but that meant that she touched my finger with her little pink feet, and backed up. Made me laugh every time.

I picked her up when I got home from work and we had a chat. I held her up to my face and asked her about her day.

“What did you do today? Did you get anything accomplished? Did you complete your To-Do List? Do you have a To-Do List? Did you go to work? Did you earn a paycheck? You don’t even have a pocket to carry a paycheck in?! So what did you really do? A little light housekeeping, a little cooking, a little bathing, a lot of sleeping? Yeah, you are an industrious little vermin.”

As you can see, they were pretty one-sided conversations. But Bean kept her beady little eyes fixed on me as if I were the most fascinating being on the planet. What’s not to like about that? Of course, she did get tired of the sound of my voice. It may be that she didn’t appreciate my breath in her face too. At any rate, when she got squirmy, I put her on my bed while I changed out of my work clothes and into my comfy done-for-the-day clothes.

I had a fairly small cloth bag for Bean. Little rodents such as herself don’t like to be in the open. They are too vulnerable and it’s just too risky for them. I laid the bag on the bed. It contained a small, used paper plate, dry bread crusts, crumbled crackers, seeds, scraps of paper towel, and a drdr (toilet paper tube). All Bean’s favorite things. I dropped her on the bed near the bag and she made a bee line for it, diving inside where she could root around, scratch, chew and burrow to her little heart’s content. She stayed in there until I finished changing, then I brought her down to the kitchen with me while I made my supper.

Bean had a favorite corner of the counter where I fed her an assortment of her favorite seeds. Bean was a seed freak. Fresh fruits and vegetables did not interest her. Seeds, seeds, seeds! The smaller the better. She liked millet and sesame seeds, but she was crazy for cous cous! While I nuked my soup, Bean stuffed her fat little cheeks with seeds. If she got done and ready to go before I did, she let me know she was ready to go by running up to the edge of the counter, pacing along, faking a jump. I knew there was no time to waste. I either needed to be done, or take her back to her cage anyway. Usually I was done.

With Bean in one hand and my supper in the other, I trudged up the stairs. Bean used to climb those carpeted stairs, but she got tired of it. Still, the Big Doofus, an overweight cat that didn’t belong to me, waited at the landing, hoping Bean would be afoot. Sometimes I put Bean down beside him, staying there myself to keep her safe. Big Doof was confounded by Bean. She didn’t run away from him. She ran around him, under him, beside him. He seemed to regard her as a play toy. He liked to swat her around. I made sure to keep any violence to a minimum. He never tried to bite her.

When I got to Bean’s room, where her cages rested on the table top, I put her down in front of a drdr. She ran through the drdr and to the little tray where I scattered seeds. She stuffed a few in her face before climbing into her cage to deposit the load in her cheeks into her carefully located and protected food cache. She usually had a big drink of water too, before re-emerging on the table top. There was a cracker box on its side on the table that Bean favored. It was another safe location where she engaged in endless grooming, in addition to wrestling matches with chunks of seeds glued together with honey. She adored those treats. They were her faithful daily adversaries, never failing to be worthy opponents.

This fall I learned that Bean really loved squash! Who knew? Baked squash. What a goofy rodent. Bean made me laugh a lot. Like my two previous hamsters, those squishy bodies, very short legs, beady eyes, pointy nose, hairy asses, rolly polly running . . .  well, what’s not to laugh about? Dwarf hamsters just look funny. That she was so fierce in that utterly vulnerable body was wonderful. She didn’t know she was utterly vulnerable. She had a great understanding of personal boundaries and size was not a cause for compromise. What a rodent!

I will miss her, as I miss her predecessors. The only problem with dwarf hamsters is their damn short life spans. I haven’t had one make it to three years yet. I think that’s common.

RIP, my little Bean.

I’m animal-less for the first time since 1997. I won’t stay that way.